"The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are."
C.G. Jung
My Client Base
- Children from age 2.5 yrs
- Individual Teens and Tweens
- Couples
- Individual Adults
Types of therapy available to you and your family:
- Individual Therapy
- Sand Play Therapy
- Trauma Counselling
- Couples Therapy / Marriage Counselling
- Play Therapy
- Parental Guidance
- Hypnotherapy
Emotional discomfort propels us towards change.....
The ‘kind of people' - children and adults alike - who seek professional help from this office, have had:
- Exposure to trauma (includes hi-jackings, theft, car accidents)
- Experience of loss (includes divorce, death, transitions in life and relationships)
- Behavioural problems (children’s behaviour at home, school or socially)
- Adjustment problems
- Concentration and Hyperactivity (related to either trauma exposure or ADD / ADHD-related diagnoses)
- As well as people who choose to make an investment in their personal growth for self-enrichment
Not Time, but INTENTION, heals.
Monica Bonnet
Types of Therapy that is available to you

Individual Therapy
For adolescents and adults.
Individual Psychotherapy Therapy is a joint process between a therapist and a person in therapy. Common goals of therapy can be to inspire change or improve quality of life. People may seek therapy for help with issues that are hard to face alone.

Sand Play Therapy
For teens, tweens and adults.
In Sand Play Therapy, clients composes a picture in the sand with as many or as few of the miniatures and figurines available on the shelves. It creates a means to profound depth!

Play Therapy
For children under 10 years.
Young children still need to develop the ability to verbally express themselves effectively. Children communicate best through Play what they struggle with.
This needs expert interpretation and understanding.

Puppet Therapy
For all children, adolescents and adults.
Puppet Therapy is a play technique that helps children express feelings, re-enact anxious events, try out new, more adaptive behaviours and overcome inhibitions.

Trauma Counselling
Trauma Counselling is a short-term intervention, which is appropriate when a person has suffered a traumatic incident. This treatment facilitates an understanding of how the past influences the present.

Marriage / Couples Therapy
In Marriage Counselling / Couples Therapy a couple – however put together – can gain new perspectives about each other, the way they relate to each other and connect with each other. In this way, learning new ways of being apart (as individuals), as well as new ways in their Togetherness.

Parental Guidance
Parental guidance sessions may be helpful for parents who are having difficulty redirecting or correcting inappropriate behavior in their child, help deal with stress etc
I am in the process of becoming the truest version of myself
Thank you, Tannie Tania, for helping me creating a life where every time I cried, I didn't need a drink. I will always be thankful for you! Bit for Bit, Tannie Tania has been helping me work through trauma. Tannie Tania works at a pace I'm comfortable without pushing me. She is always willing to help and support me. She is always there for me.
Tannie Tania has been the first adult to fully win my respect. Tannie Tania is hands down the best therapist in the world.